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Photos 10.31.1999

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costumesThe kids get ready for trick-or-treating!  Eddie is Billy Blazes from the Rescue Heroes (axe made by Dad), Allison is a dalmation (costume by Mom), and Nika a princess (a bridesmaid dress that Mom wore in Tom & Leanne Kelly's wedding and drastically altered to fit Nika!). costumesNika's most vivid memory of Halloween 1999 will undoubtedly be the witch decoration next door.   She wouldn't open her eyes in our neighborhood for a full month, and in this photo hides her eyes so she won't see it.  Eddie wore last year's race car driver's costume.
princess foosballNika plays foosball at a friend's party (Eddie's schoolmate).   And what a great party it was -- cookie decorating, indoor trick-or-treating, pin the tail on the donkey (or was it a pumpkin?), a pinata, and hot potato! scary clownNika and Eddie participate in a game of hot potato, but Nika's eyes don't stray far from the "scary clown" whose hair you see in the foreground of this photo.

